Does religious experience give genuine proof to the existence of god? Give reasons and show different views.

I think that religious experience is genuine proof to the existence of god because should people see a vision of god they aren’t choosing to see this vision but rather they are seeing it through the powers of god.

Others may argue that these people could be making it up, nothing really happened to them and that these people are just attention seeking. However most of these people who have had these religious experiences tend to have a very strong faith and should they just be making this faith up they would be consuming a lot of their own time.

Many people after viewing a TV show with Darren brown ‘converting’ people think that converting is just a psychological persuasion and Darren brown claims that he proved it however, I, in response would say are these people really being converted or did they just say something because they didn’t want to offend Darren brown. When he made all the people fall down they fell at different times, they may have wanted not to be the odd one out may have followed the crowd.

Several other people who think that religious experience isn’t proof say that there are several people in the world who have had religious experiences but not all for the same religion. In religions were there is only one god how can there be visions or experiences of several gods?

I think that there maybe several visions of several gods could be proof because lots of people will say that they saw the same thing however, they may misinterpret there visions so it will seem that they will see visions for different gods.

I think that overall religious experience gives genuine proof to the existence of god and I think that visions are proven best when they are accompanied with a miracle like when a man who is dead for 15 minutes comes back to life and no one can disprove a vision when it is accompanied by a miracle so great.

Written by Mary Planck

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