
Showing posts from 2019

Passive income

The Futility of Chasing Passive Income The concept of passive income has gained immense popularity in recent years, often portrayed as a ticket to financial freedom and a life of leisure. Many individuals are enticed by the idea of earning money while they sleep, and they embark on journeys to build passive income streams through various means such as real estate investments, dividend stocks, online businesses, and more. While passive income can indeed provide financial benefits, it is crucial to recognize the inherent futility in chasing it as a sole financial strategy. This essay will explore why chasing passive income can be a futile pursuit, highlighting the misconceptions, challenges, and limitations associated with this quest. Misconceptions Surrounding Passive Income One of the primary reasons chasing passive income can be futile is the common misconceptions that surround it. Passive income is often portrayed as effortless money, but this portrayal fails to account for the hard