
Showing posts from November, 2015

Routine for a Knee exam for an OSCE

How to do a knee exam for an OSCE: Wash hands + Introduce and gain consent Check for pain status. LOOK Observe gait Comment on ratio between stance phase and swing phase e.g Antalgic gait - stance phase reduced on painful side. Stepping height Observe from front while standing Scars Swellings/colour Assymmetry Valgus/Varus Observe from side while standing Fixed flexion deformity Observe from back while standing Popliteal swelling Scars/assymetry Observe from side while standing Fixed flexion deformity Get patient to lie on bed Check once more for cheeky arthroscopy scars FEEL With the leg extedned Feel for temperature Feel for effusion Milk and patella tap or sweep test Offer to measure the quadriceps 20cm above tibial tuberosity With the leg flexed Feel around the patella Feel the tibial tuberosity (Osgood Sch