How did the world begin?

The creation of the world has always been a debateable topic. It has brought up many ideas and points of argument. It is one of the key questions in life and it is answered by almost all religions. It is one of the fundamental questions that can be the foundation of many people’s faiths. Another opinion is that the world was made from the big bang which is a big explosion which is sciences view.

The big bang theory suggests that energy has always existed. Before time there was a massive amount of energy. Fifteen billion years ago (the estimated beginning of time) there was a ripple in this energy this expanded rapidly causing the beginning of time and the big bang.

Matter began forming after 300,000 years with the first forms being what we call ‘particles’ there are three types of particles; protons, neutrons and electrons. Gravitational forces caused atoms to become attracted to each other. The early atoms were hydrogen. A minute amount of this hydrogen fused together to produce helium.

Star birth begins with the ‘ignition of a star’. All the hydrogen and the minute amount of helium become so dense and hot that it begins to ignite. The ignition temperature is twenty million degrees Fahrenheit. During this ignition heavier elements are created and nuclear reaction takes place.

Our sun is a star and is made through star birth however there are mixed opinions for how the solar system with all the planets were made. One of the theories is that our sun crashed into a nova which flung out material at different differences from the sun causing planets. Of one is our earth.

The earth was a hot molten mass. When it cooled the lighter material came up and made the crust of the earth. The water vapour was in the atmosphere and when it cooled down and it created the oceans.

 The big bang suggests in a scientific manner how the world was made but what about how life was made? It does not say what actually brought life into the world which is one of the problems with the big bang theory. However it has been argued that many scientists know how life comes into the equation with the big bang however no one can actually be sure as all of these ideas are just theories like the big bang and are just educated guesses.

The Christian view is that god exists and that he created the world ex ni-hilo. That means he created the world from nothing. Christians believe that god created the world in seven days.

It is believed by Christians that on the first day God created light; he separated the light from the darkness and called the light day and the darkness night. At the start of the bible it says that god was hovering over the water but it doesn’t explain how water was made.  But it does tie into how water is an essential part of living. It has also been argued that he could have possibly become the waters.

On the second day he made an expanse to separate water from water. He called the expanse sky.

On the third day he gathered the water to one place and dry ground appeared he called the ground land and the water sea. He made the land produce vegetation. With trees that bare fruit.

On the fourth day god made the sun to govern the day and the moon to govern the night he also made the stars.

On the fifth day god made the sea creatures to roam the seas and the birds to roam the skies. He was pleased with it.

On the sixth day god created living creatures to live on the land. He made all sorts of creatures. He then made in an image of himself man so that they could rule over all the earth, and over all the creatures. He created both male and female and he blessed them.

On the seventh day he rested. This is a controversial view as it doesn’t agree with many things to do with science. However it does say how the world was created.

The Hinduism view suggests that the before time began there was nothing except for water (similar to the Christian view) and lord Vishnu lay on this water with a giant cobra.

With lots of energy Vishnu awoke (this is a link to the big bang as it started with energy). From lord Vishnu’s navel grew a big lotus flower and in the middle was Brahma the god of creation. Vishnu told Brahman to create the world.

Vishnu then disappeared but Brahma began to create the world. He split the lotus flower into three making one the heavens, one the earth and one the skies.

At this time the earth was bare so Brahma set to work. He created
Plants of all kinds and gave them feeling. Next he created the animals and the insects to live on the land. He made birds to fly in the air and many fish to swim in the sea. To all these creatures, he gave the senses of touch, smell and sight and allowed them to move.

As a Christian I believe in the Christians view of creation although I do not think that the way the world is created matters as much as many other things. I can see why many people believe in the big bang yet I cannot understand how they can think of just the big bang alone.  I think that the world could have been made by the big bang and also by god as well because the big bang doesn’t suggest how life was made. The hindu’s view is very interesting because it incorporates similar views as the Christians view (my view) where it says that there was only water. It also incorporates the scientific view as it suggests how lord Vishnu woke up with energy and similarly the big bang started with energy. 

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