A look into Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech

Martin Luther King Jr. speech

What was he trying to achieve?

I think that he was trying to achieve equality. I think that he was trying to make America a better place by making everyone in America equal, and by making everyone being judged by their characters and not being judged being prejudiced by examination of just the external appearance. I also think that he was aiming to make America a place where all people work together and I think this is indicated when he says, “when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands”.  I think that he was demanding for peace between all races and was aiming for equality in every culture, race and religion. I think that the most important part of his speech and the key point to it is that ‘all men where created equal’ and that ‘the nation needs to lift the quicksand of racial injustice’ in order to make this happen.

Has it been achieved? Why?

I do not think it has achieved and I don’t think that it will ever be achieved because it is not possible for everyone to be equal as some will always be at an advantage over others in life because of their natural ability and family background. An example of this is a person from a poor background is at a disadvantage to a person from a rich background because the person from a rich background will have access to better education, healthcare and leisure. I think that the only way that everyone could become equal is if the world were to become completely communist, however we all know that a communist society wouldn’t work because of human nature and the differences in people. I think that we should aim for something close to equality where everyone is accepted in society and everyone is given a minimum standard of quality and opportunity in life to increase everyone’s chances of making their ambitions to become reality. However despite this I think that in terms of race and culture I think that it is possible for everyone to be equal and that it is possible for us to remove this type of racial discrimination and I think that we are almost there and it will only take a few more generations for racial inequality to phase out.

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